This form authorizes MetLife to obtain copies of your medical records. *Please note that if your physician's office or treatment facility requires a separate authorization form, please submit both forms with this packet*
Who can sign the Medical Authorization form?
For this form to be valid it must be signed by the Insured, or the primary legal medical representative. If the primary legal medical representatives are co-agents who must act jointly, BOTH agents need to sign the Medical Authorization form.
A copy of the Medical legal document must be included.
Who is a Legal Medical Representative?
A Legal Medical Representative includes a Medical Power of Attorney (POA), Health Care Proxy/Advanced Health Care Directive, Court-Appointed Guardian, or the Executor of Estate.
*Please note if the Insured is deceased, the Executor of the Estate will need to sign the Initial Claim Packet. Additionally, a copy of the Last Will and Testament and/or Executor paperwork will need to be provided.
Example of the Long-Term Care Medical Authorization Form