The ongoing shift from defined benefit (DB) pension plans to defined contribution (DC) plans requires employees to take on more of the responsibility to ensure their savings last throughout retirement, regardless of market conditions. Naturally, today's workers (64%) are concerned about outliving their retirement savings.2 Our research shows one of three retirees who took a lump sum from their DC plan had depleted it in an average of five years.1
retirees and pre-retirees feel it is valuable to have a guaranteed monthly annuity “paycheck” to cover their bills.1
of pre-retirees would pick the annuity over the lump sum if they had to choose.1
of retirees who chose an annuity at retirement believe they’re better off financially than if they had chosen a lump sum.1
The average amount of time one in three retirees who took a lump sum distribution depleted it.1
Empower your employees to confidently retire knowing they will never outlive their savings with guaranteed income solutions designed to enhance your DC retirement plan. Fixed income annuities—both immediate and deferred options—can be used to convert a portion of your employees’ savings into a fixed monthly paycheck, guaranteed in their retirement years.
For plan sponsors not yet offering guaranteed income, this whitepaper is intended to help with those evaluations to select the best retirement income option(s) for your DC plan participants.
When you partner with MetLife, you are choosing a leader with over 45 years of experience in the institutional income annuities business. Trusted by consultants, recordkeepers, and plan sponsors to help plan participants navigate success retirement outcomes.