Structured Installment Sale

The Structured Installment Sale provides guaranteed income for qualifying property or business sales that are eligible for the installment method unde

What is a Structured Installment Sale?

The Structured Installment Sale is an annuity that allows you to defer potentially large capital gains tax and receive guaranteed installment payments over time. This installment sales approach allows you to choose what amount you’d like to receive now and how much you’d like to put into an annuity. The payment stream can be set to fit more immediate needs or help plan for the longer term, like retirement.

Structuring an Installment Sale

Taxes on the sale of a commercial property, home or business can be significant. By utilizing a Structured Installment Sale, your clients can defer and potentially lower the associated taxes.

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Tax Implications of Selling Real Estate with SIS

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Tax Implications of Selling a Business with SIS

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Client Education Center

Access materials to help your clients understand the benefits of our Structured Installment Sale solution.

Structured Installment Sale Introduction and Case Example

Video Gallery

Structured Installment Sale Frequently Asked Questions

To help your conversations with clients, here are some Frequently Asked Questions.

For More Information, Please Contact:

Paul Marshall - Sales Director


Philippe Petit - Sales Director


* This product is currently available in 49 U.S states plus PR, but not available in NY.

Neither MetLife nor its affiliates offer tax or legal advice. Any discussion of taxes in this material is intended to be general in nature and based on our understanding of the tax laws as they currently apply. Tax laws are subject to change and to different interpretation. You should consult your own tax advisor to determine how the tax law applies to your situation.

Like most annuity contracts, Metropolitan Tower Life annuities contain certain limitations, exclusions and terms for keeping them in force. All guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability and financial strength of Metropolitan Tower Life. Ask a Metropolitan Tower Life representative for cost and complete details.