Whether in plain sight or hidden in the shadows, many in our communities struggle to meet their basic needs.
MetLife Foundation works to meet the needs of the community through affordable housing, hunger-relief and community development initiatives.
Trust for Public Land (TPL) City Spaces program
Brings parks, playgrounds and greenways to urban neighborhoods nationwide. MetLife Foundation has supported more than 40 of TPL's projects in a variety of cities, including Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York, Oakland, St. Paul and San Francisco.
Supports development of playgrounds in neighborhoods across the U.S. and Mexico. MetLife associates have also donated their time, joining in multiple builds, including one serving more than 6,000 low-income children in Mexico City. See Website
MetLife Foundation Awards for Excellence in Affordable Housing
Honor best practices in environmentally friendly, low-income senior housing. Together with Enterprise Community Partners, the Foundation has recognized more than 40 community-based organizations focused on senior housing. Download Report