Older adults must be in good physical and mental health to deliver on the promise they hold for our communities, and we must create an environment that is responsive to their specific needs.
Through initiatives in creativity and aging and access to encore careers MetLife Foundation is working to keep older adults connected and productive. The Foundation's caregiving and aging in place initiatives provide them with the support they need to share their experience and expertise with the community.
Creative Aging Program
Participation in the arts can improve the health and well-being of older adults. The program helps community arts education providers better serve older adults and raise public awareness about the benefits of lifelong engagement in the arts. See website
Meet Me at MOMA program
Engage people with Alzheimer's, along with their family members or caregivers, in an interactive program at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). Specially trained MoMA educators lead tours highlighting themes, artists or exhibitions, and participants have the chance to create artwork of their own.
Intergenerational Shared Site Awards
Recognize organizations serving children, youth and older adults in a single location. Grants, administered by Generations United, support the continuation of programs promoting intergenerational interaction and collaboration. Download Awards booklet