Healthy Aging

Empowering Older Adults

Older adults must be in good physical and mental health to deliver on the promise they hold for our communities, and we must create an environment that is responsive to their specific needs.

Through initiatives in creativity and aging and access to encore careers MetLife Foundation is working to keep older adults connected and productive. The Foundation's caregiving and aging in place initiatives provide them with the support they need to share their experience and expertise with the community.

Creative Aging Program 
Participation in the arts can improve the health and well-being of older adults. The program helps community arts education providers better serve older adults and raise public awareness about the benefits of lifelong engagement in the arts. See website

Meet Me at MOMA program 
Engage people with Alzheimer's, along with their family members or caregivers, in an interactive program at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). Specially trained MoMA educators lead tours highlighting themes, artists or exhibitions, and participants have the chance to create artwork of their own.

Intergenerational Shared Site Awards 
Recognize organizations serving children, youth and older adults in a single location. Grants, administered by Generations United, support the continuation of programs promoting intergenerational interaction and collaboration. Download Awards booklet

More Programs

This documentary, developed by Twin Cities Public Television, explores the impact of the arts on the cognitive abilities, physical fitness and mental health of children and older adults. See Video

Examines how prepared communities are to provide for older adults and delivers recommendations for creating "livable communities" for all ages. The findings reveal while most are maintaining already-established programs and services, they are not moving forward as needed to keep up with the "age wave." Download report

Showcases senior housing across the country that creatively addresses the evolving needs of the aging population. The developments, sponsored by Enterprise Community Partners, include adaptable and universal design elements that anticipate increased longevity and the associated challenges. Download report

Honor community-based organizations bringing new thinking and innovative approaches to caregiver support and education programs. Download report

Awards grants to community colleges that offer training for in-home care professionals and family caregivers. The national program, in collaboration with the International Longevity Center, is now in its sixth year.

Connects people of all ages through dance-oriented projects in community and healthcare settings. Concentrated around the themes of Arts in Healthcare and Creative Aging, the initiative's programming includes classes, residencies, research and training, using dance as a vehicle for self-expression, therapy and the path to wellness.

Showcases notable strategies for increasing access for new audiences to the arts and culture. The publication from Partners for Livable Communities expands on "Culture Connects All: Rethinking Audiences in Time of Demographic Change," which features best practices of six institutions across the country intentionally engaging adults over age 65 and the benefits of doing so. 

Highlight the growing trend in second-stage careers among people age 44-70. The three-part research effort of Civic Ventures addresses the barriers to and benefits of developing encore careers. Professional and volunteer opportunities for baby boomers also are presented. Download report

Recruits, trains and places older adults as skilled reading mentors for high-need preschoolers, helping the students close gaps and enter school ready to learn and succeed.

Provides training for community college career advisors to address the challenges and needs of older workers seeking new skills and employment. The organization's "Career Pathways and Career Counseling for the 50+ workforce" report lays out industries and jobs appropriate for mature workers based on research in seven regions around the country. Download report