Student Achievement

Preparing Young People

By almost any measure, a good education is the best preparation for future success.

Unfortunately, too many students are not gaining the required knowledge and skills to be competitive in today's global economy. MetLife Foundation supports teacher effectiveness and school leadership initiatives to help ensure that every student leaves school both college- and career-ready.

MetLife Survey of the American Teacher 
Help strengthen education for children in the United States by sharing teachers' opinions with educators, policy makers and the public. For 30 years, the annual survey has shared the voices of those closest to the classroom and informed the country's discourse on the future of education. Download report  

Teaching 2030: What We Must Do for Our Students and Our Public Schools…Now and in the Future 
Explore a vision for the kind of school leaders students need, through this book and companion video which proposes several big ideas for teachers to meet 21stcentury demands. See video

Center for Community College Student Engagement's Initiative on Student Success 
Collects first-year community college students' experiences to assess their needs and challenges. The information is used to better understand what influences retention rates and what steps colleges can take to help the students succeed.

More Programs

Provide elementary and secondary school leaders with a deeper understanding of the new standards and their role in implementing them. 

Reveals teenagers care about learning and appreciate adult guidance, despite all-too-common perceptions otherwise. More than 200 videos showcase what students think - in their own words - about teaching, learning and other education-related themes. See video

Focuses on more effective educator learning to improve student achievement. MetLife Foundation supports the organization's mission through funding of publications and research, such as "Standards for Professional Learning: Quick Reference Guide," as well as the association's Learning School Alliance, a professional learning laboratory for schools across North America. Download report

Provides K-12 educators with professional development tools to support internationally focused instruction so students can graduate college-ready and globally competent. Download report

Awards school leaders and teachers who drive high levels of student achievement in urban schools. Best practices are in turn incorporated into the EPIC Knowledge System, a professional development resource for educators across the country. See website

Addresses the need for system support, professional development and mentorship in order to retain quality teachers in today's schools and help young people graduate high school ready for college and a career. Download report

Shares the concept and fundamentals of community schools - a strategy of partnership between the school and other community resources. The publication also showcases examples from around the world and provides resources and research key to developing student-centered learning environments. Download report