Our Sustainability Commitments


Sustainability is central to our business strategy and is ingrained across our operations. By deploying the full strength and commitment of our people, products, services and investments to deliver on our promises to our stakeholders, we drive long-term value for our shareholders. To help drive progress toward a sustainable future for people and our planet, we have aligned our sustainability strategy with a subset of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, given their relevance to our business.

The nature of MetLife’s business is to deliver on the promises we make to our customers, colleauges, shareholders and communities. Our approach is guided by our purpose and anchored in our business strategy. Through our efforts, we aim to better address the evolving needs of the diverse customers and communities we serve, now and in the future.

Net Zero Commitment

MetLife is committed to Net Zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for its global operations and General Account investment portfolio by 2050 or sooner.1

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For years, MetLife has applied a diverse range of strategies to reduce emissions generated by its environmental footprint.

For years, MetLife has applied a diverse range of strategies to reduce emissions generated by its environmental footprint. MetLife is making progress toward its interim targets, which support our ambition to reach Net Zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for its global operations and General Account (GA) investment portfolio by 2050 or sooner1, as part of MetLife’s overall business strategy to create long-term value for colleagues, customers, shareholders, business partners and communities around the world.

This commitment builds on our longstanding history of environmental stewardship, which entails working toward an inclusive, resilient and thriving environment for present and future generations. We are focusing on MetLife, Inc.’s global owned and leased offices and vehicle fleets, employee business travel, supply chain and assets in MetLife’s GA investment portfolio, which includes the general accounts of MetLife, Inc.’s wholly owned insurance company subsidiaries.

MetLife has voluntarily produced and publicly disclosed an inventory of GHG emissions from our operations for many years. While reliable methodologies and data sets pertaining to certain emissions are not available at this time, we are committed to improving our data quality and tracking capabilities as standards and methodologies continue to evolve.

Emissions calculations are informed by the GHG Protocol and Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF), unless otherwise directed by regulators.

1. See Explanatory Note for additional information about MetLife’s GA investment portfolio.

Read our latest Sustainability Report

for more information on MetLife’s initiatives and progress.

Learn more about our approach to Net Zero and see Explanatory Note for additional information about MetLife’s GA investment portfolio.