Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness

MetLife volunteers with Special Olympics in Europe.

We constantly work on improving and evolving our products and services based on local market needs and customer demands. Here are a few examples:

Improving healthspans in China and Korea with 360Health

In Korea, MetLife launched new features on its 360Health app, including allowing customers to simply take a photo of their meal and let AI analyze calories and nutrients and assess food choices based on the individual’s health status. The app can also examine exercise frequency, duration, and intensity and recommend the most effective and optimized regimen combining cardiovascular exercise with weight training. In the first three months since the update, there were more than 100,000 downloads.

MetLife Korea was recognized with the 2020 Hankyung Consumer Awards for its 360Health app for expanding its reach to the general public with personalized and easy to use healthcare services.

BeWell: Supporting our workforce through challenging times

In recognition of the heightened mental and emotional well-being needs during the pandemic, we targeted our wellness efforts in 2020 to directly address the impact of COVID-19 on our people. Early in the pandemic, Latin America launched the PrimeroTuVida initiative, with regular communications through multiple channels, curated materials, webinars, and live-streamed fitness classes, among other activities. Shortly thereafter, we created BeWell as a global mental and emotional well-being program to convey a message of support and empathy for all of our employees through leadership engagement and outreach, virtual programs, and the provision of relevant resources and tools.

MetLife Japan continues to add value-added services

In Japan, with life expectancy dramatically rising, along with age-related health concerns, we launched a new product in 2020 called Life Invest. Designed to help Japanese people live confidently in retirement, Life Invest is a yen-denominated variable insurance product that provides protection and asset-building functions at a reasonable monthly premium. Its objective: to help seniors extend their health- and wealth-spans to live well after retirement. Life Invest was developed based on MetLife’s latest customer research which revealed that not only did seniors want to be better prepared for uncertainties post-retirement, but that young people too wanted to start investing early and weren’t sure how to begin. Now seniors can reliably extend their wealth-span for post-retirement life, while young people—in their 20s and 30s—can begin investing early and effectively.